Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why now?

I find myself thinking I might have to explain--whether to myself or to you--why I'm starting this blog now. But when I post that question, "Why now?" I find a ready answer, "If not now, when?"

In other words, I've thought about starting this blog for a long time, and the impetus to stop thinking and start blogging arrived last weekend. I was visiting my 93 year old mother, feeling a bit trapped in her assisted living apartment, almost as if I were imprisoned somewhere far from home with time on my hands.

I did have a laptop with me, and fortunately someone in my mother's building had an "unlocked" wireless network that enabled me to connect to the internet. A message arrived via Facebook from a friend who had just started a daily blogging challenge. At the suggestion of a former editor, Moose had decided to launch a new blog and post something every day for a whole year. (You can gather quite a lot of writing in that time and have a record of what you're going through--for her, marital separation.)

That's it! I decided. I'm going to ride on her coattails and at least start my blog. I don't know that I'm fully there on the post every day for a year thing, but at least I know she's doing it.

So I begin with gratitude for what I'm calling, "Moose Oliver's Blog Momentum Challenge." It got me started, at least for now.


  1. Yes! You MUST post every day, Lucy. It becomes less about what you write and instead becomes just about doing the work. "The work will teach you how to do it," if you let it.

  2. I like that, Moose. It becomes just about doing the work. Which helps me remember that this is part of my work in the world (as opposed to simply some strange act of self-indulgence). Thanks.
